Frequently Asked Questions

Good to know

New here? No worries; you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

You don’t have to be flexible to begin with yoga. You are neither required to be a breathwork pro nor a meditation expert. All you need is an open mind and give yourself a go to try true yoga.

In a nutshell: Yoga is for everyone – no prior experience is required to get started.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation, and ethical principles to promote overall health and well-being.

Why should I practice Yoga?

Yoga offers numerous benefits, including stress reduction, improved flexibility, enhanced strength, better posture, increased mental clarity, and a sense of inner peace.

What types of Yoga Classes do you offer?

We offer a variety of classes, including Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative, Yoga Therapy, Pranayama and more. Our classes cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced yogis.

How do I choose a right class for me?

Our experienced teachers can guide you in selecting the class that best suits your goals, fitness level, and preferences. Feel free to reach out for personalized recommendations.

I am a beginner. What form of yoga style right for me?

es, beginners are welcome in most of our classes. However, we recommend starting with a beginner-friendly class or attending one of our beginner workshops to build a strong foundation.

What should I bring with me?

While we provide mats, it’s a good idea to bring your own if you have one. You may also want to bring a towel and water bottle for comfort during practice.

What should I wear to Yoga Class?

Wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for ease of movement. Yoga is typically practiced barefoot, so no special footwear is required.

Do you offer private yoga sessions?

Yes, we offer private one-on-one sessions with our experienced teachers. Private sessions can be tailored to your specific goals and needs. Contact us to know details. 

Is there a trial yoga class?

As a new yogi, you will benefit with our introductory offer – with our Explore True Yoga Pass, you have the opportunity to try different yoga classes in 30 days for only 55 €. Following that if you decide to continue, choose a pass that suits you best.

What are the benefits of Yoga for Stree Reduction?

Yoga helps reduce stress by promoting relaxation, deep breathing, and mindfulness. It can also lower cortisol levels, leading to a calmer and more balanced state of mind.

Is Yoga suitable for all ages?

Yoga is suitable for people of all ages. We offer classes for kids, teens, adults, and seniors, making it accessible to everyone.

How often should I practice Yoga?

The frequency of practice varies from person to person. Consistency is key, so aim to practice at least 2-3 times a week for noticeable benefits. Some may choose to practice daily.

What should I expect in my first Yoga Class?

In your first class, expect to learn basic poses, breathing techniques, and the overall flow of the class. You’ll be encouraged to go at your own pace, and modifications will be offered.

Can I practice Yoga if I have a medical condition or injury?

Yoga can often be adapted to accommodate medical conditions or injuries. Please inform your instructor before class so they can provide appropriate modifications.

Do you offer Online Yoga Classes?

Yes, we offer online yoga classes for those who prefer to practice from the comfort of their own homes. Check our schedule for Online class options.

How do I register for classes?

You can register for classes on our website or calling us directly. We recommend booking in advance to secure your spot.

Can I share/ transfer the pass to other person?

Your yoga pass is personal and linked with your account. It can not transfer or shared with others.

Can I submit the course invoice to my health insurance?

Yes, we provide you full invoice for prevention/ pregnancy and postnatal yoga course to claim re-reimbursement from health insurance.  However we do not guarantee that your insurance will definitely compensate you or not.

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